Prechádzať zdrojové kódy


pixel 5 rokov pred

+ 25 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
+	uuid ""
@@ -175,3 +176,27 @@ func GetUserList(c *gin.Context) {
+type SetUserAuth struct {
+	UUID        uuid.UUID `json:"uuid"`
+	AuthorityId string    `json:"authorityId"`
+// @Tags User
+// @Summary 设置用户权限
+// @Security ApiKeyAuth
+// @accept application/json
+// @Produce application/json
+// @Param data body api.SetUserAuth true "设置用户权限"
+// @Success 200 {string} json "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"修改成功"}"
+// @Router /user/setUserAuthority [post]
+func SetUserAuthority(c *gin.Context) {
+	var sua SetUserAuth
+	_ = c.BindJSON(&sua)
+	err := new(dbModel.User).SetUserAuthority(sua.UUID, sua.AuthorityId)
+	if err != nil {
+		servers.ReportFormat(c, false, fmt.Sprintf("修改失败,%v", err), gin.H{})
+	} else {
+		servers.ReportFormat(c, true, "修改成功", gin.H{})
+	}

+ 38 - 31

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  Target Server Version : 50644
  File Encoding         : 65001
- Date: 09/10/2019 18:28:48
+ Date: 09/10/2019 23:08:15
 SET NAMES utf8mb4;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `api_authorities`  (
   `api_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_api_authorities_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 185 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 212 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of api_authorities
@@ -44,31 +44,34 @@ INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (77, '2019-09-30 15:34:19', '2019-09-30 15:
 INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (78, '2019-09-30 15:34:19', '2019-09-30 15:34:19', NULL, 9528, 17);
 INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (79, '2019-09-30 15:34:19', '2019-09-30 15:34:19', NULL, 9528, 23);
 INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (80, '2019-09-30 15:34:19', '2019-09-30 15:34:19', NULL, 9528, 24);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (159, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 1);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (160, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 2);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (161, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 3);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (162, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 4);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (163, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 5);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (164, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 6);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (165, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 7);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (166, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 8);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (167, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 9);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (168, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 10);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (169, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 28);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (170, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 11);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (171, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 12);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (172, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 13);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (173, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 14);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (174, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 15);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (175, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 16);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (176, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 17);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (177, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 18);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (178, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 19);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (179, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 20);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (180, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 21);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (181, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 22);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (182, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 23);
-INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (183, '2019-10-09 15:15:27', '2019-10-09 15:15:27', NULL, 888, 24);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (184, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 1);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (185, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 2);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (186, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 3);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (187, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 4);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (188, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 5);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (189, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 6);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (190, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 7);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (191, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 8);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (192, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 9);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (193, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 10);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (194, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 11);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (195, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 12);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (196, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 13);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (197, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 14);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (198, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 15);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (199, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 16);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (200, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 17);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (201, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 18);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (202, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 19);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (203, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 20);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (204, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 21);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (205, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 22);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (206, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 23);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (207, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 24);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (208, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 28);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (209, '2019-10-09 23:01:52', '2019-10-09 23:01:52', NULL, 888, 29);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (210, '2019-10-09 23:04:56', '2019-10-09 23:04:56', NULL, 999, 1);
+INSERT INTO `api_authorities` VALUES (211, '2019-10-09 23:04:56', '2019-10-09 23:04:56', NULL, 999, 2);
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for apis
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `apis`  (
   `group` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_apis_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 29 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 30 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of apis
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ INSERT INTO `apis` VALUES (23, '2019-09-30 15:29:19', '2019-09-30 15:29:19', NUL
 INSERT INTO `apis` VALUES (24, '2019-09-30 15:29:33', '2019-09-30 15:29:33', NULL, NULL, '/user/uploadHeaderImg', '上传头像', 'user');
 INSERT INTO `apis` VALUES (25, '2019-09-30 15:30:00', '2019-09-30 15:30:00', '2019-10-09 15:26:37', NULL, '/user/getInfoList', '分页获取用户列表', 'user');
 INSERT INTO `apis` VALUES (28, '2019-10-09 15:15:17', '2019-10-09 15:17:07', NULL, NULL, '/user/getUserList', '获取用户列表', 'user');
+INSERT INTO `apis` VALUES (29, '2019-10-09 23:01:40', '2019-10-09 23:01:40', NULL, NULL, '/user/setUserAuthority', '修改用户角色', 'user');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for authorities
@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `authorities`  (
   UNIQUE INDEX `authority_id`(`authority_id`) USING BTREE,
   INDEX `idx_authorities_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 10 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 13 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of authorities
@@ -142,6 +146,7 @@ INSERT INTO `authorities` VALUES (3, '2019-09-18 22:20:28', '2019-09-18 22:20:28
 INSERT INTO `authorities` VALUES (6, '2019-09-18 22:23:33', '2019-09-18 22:23:33', NULL, 9528, '测试角色');
 INSERT INTO `authorities` VALUES (7, '2019-09-18 22:24:39', '2019-09-18 22:24:39', '2019-09-18 22:25:19', 9529, '测试角色');
 INSERT INTO `authorities` VALUES (8, '2019-09-18 22:25:13', '2019-09-18 22:25:13', '2019-09-18 22:25:17', 9522, '测试角色');
+INSERT INTO `authorities` VALUES (12, '2019-10-09 23:04:18', '2019-10-09 23:04:18', NULL, 999, '封禁');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for base_menus
@@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `menus`  (
   `nick_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_menus_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 231 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 233 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of menus
@@ -225,6 +230,8 @@ INSERT INTO `menus` VALUES (227, '2019-09-19 22:11:53', '2019-09-19 22:11:53', N
 INSERT INTO `menus` VALUES (228, '2019-09-19 22:13:18', '2019-09-19 22:13:18', NULL, 0, 888, 'menu', 'menu', 0, 'view/superAdmin/menu/menu.vue', '菜单管理', 's-order', 3, '5', '菜单管理');
 INSERT INTO `menus` VALUES (229, '2019-09-19 22:13:36', '2019-09-19 22:13:36', NULL, 0, 888, 'api', 'api', 0, 'view/superAdmin/api/api.vue', 'api管理', 's-platform', 3, '6', 'api管理');
 INSERT INTO `menus` VALUES (230, '2019-10-09 15:12:29', '2019-10-09 15:14:44', NULL, 0, 888, 'user', 'user', 0, 'view/superAdmin/user/user.vue', '用户管理', 'coordinate', 3, '17', '用户管理');
+INSERT INTO `menus` VALUES (231, '2019-09-19 22:05:18', '2019-09-19 22:05:18', NULL, 0, 999, 'dashbord', 'dashbord', 0, 'view/dashbord/index.vue', '仪表盘', 'setting', 0, '1', '仪表盘');
+INSERT INTO `menus` VALUES (232, '2019-09-19 22:06:17', '2019-09-30 15:44:50', NULL, 0, 999, 'test', 'test', 0, 'view/test/index.vue', '测试菜单', 'info', 0, '2', '测试菜单');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for users
@@ -256,6 +263,6 @@ INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (11, '2019-09-13 17:27:29', '2019-09-13 17:27:29', NU
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (12, '2019-09-13 17:28:56', '2019-09-13 17:28:56', NULL, 0x65373939636563362D346337662D343338632D383634372D376435633333393734353165, NULL, NULL, 'QMPlusUser', '', 888, NULL, 'a30317465', '3ec063004a6f31642261936a379fde3d');
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (13, '2019-09-13 17:29:26', '2019-09-13 17:29:26', NULL, 0x65653764353932322D323333312D343162632D393363322D613665366461306465343230, NULL, NULL, 'QMPlusUser', '', 888, NULL, 'a30317465', '3ec063004a6f31642261936a379fde3d');
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (14, '2019-09-13 17:29:28', '2019-09-13 17:29:28', NULL, 0x35623464333461322D343266352D343763352D613932642D613637616536643461643334, NULL, NULL, 'QMPlusUser', '', 888, NULL, 'a30317465', '3ec063004a6f31642261936a379fde3d');
-INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (15, '2019-09-13 17:31:16', '2019-09-13 17:31:16', NULL, 0x34306437393436612D363732382D346536662D396434302D313432356566653831363032, NULL, NULL, 'QMPlusUser', '', 888, NULL, 'a303146523', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e');
+INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (15, '2019-09-13 17:31:16', '2019-10-09 23:04:28', NULL, 0x34306437393436612D363732382D346536662D396434302D313432356566653831363032, NULL, NULL, 'QMPlusUser', '', 999, NULL, 'a303146523', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e');

+ 6 - 2

@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ func JWTAuth() gin.HandlerFunc {
 		// 我们这里jwt鉴权取头部信息 x-token 登录时回返回token信息 这里前端需要把token存储到cookie或者本地localSstorage中 不过需要跟后端协商过期时间 可以约定刷新令牌或者重新登录
 		token := c.Request.Header.Get("x-token")
 		if token == "" {
-			servers.ReportFormat(c, false, "未登录或非法访问", gin.H{})
+			servers.ReportFormat(c, false, "未登录或非法访问", gin.H{
+				"reload": true,
+			})
@@ -38,7 +40,9 @@ func JWTAuth() gin.HandlerFunc {
-			servers.ReportFormat(c, false, err.Error(), gin.H{})
+			servers.ReportFormat(c, false, err.Error(), gin.H{
+				"reload": true,
+			})

+ 3 - 3

@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ func (u *User) ChangePassword(newPassword string) (err error, userInter *User) {
-func (u *User) UpdataUser() (err error, userInter *User) {
-	err = qmsql.DEFAULTDB.Create(u).Error
-	return err, u
+func (u *User) SetUserAuthority(uuid uuid.UUID, AuthorityId string) (err error) {
+	err = qmsql.DEFAULTDB.Where("uuid = ?", uuid).First(&User{}).Update("authority_id", AuthorityId).Error
+	return err

+ 4 - 3

@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import (
 func InitUserRouter(Router *gin.Engine) {
 	UserRouter := Router.Group("user").Use(middleware.JWTAuth())
-		UserRouter.POST("changePassword", api.ChangePassword)   // 修改密码
-		UserRouter.POST("uploadHeaderImg", api.UploadHeaderImg) //上传头像
-		UserRouter.POST("getUserList", api.GetUserList)         // 分页获取用户列表
+		UserRouter.POST("changePassword", api.ChangePassword)     // 修改密码
+		UserRouter.POST("uploadHeaderImg", api.UploadHeaderImg)   //上传头像
+		UserRouter.POST("getUserList", api.GetUserList)           // 分页获取用户列表
+		UserRouter.POST("setUserAuthority", api.SetUserAuthority) //设置用户权限