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Merge branch 'gin-vue-admin_v2_dev' of into gin-vue-admin_v2_dev

klausY 4 rokov pred

+ 19 - 0

@@ -49,6 +49,25 @@ func DeleteAuthority(c *gin.Context) {
+// @Tags authority
+// @Summary 设置角色资源权限
+// @Security ApiKeyAuth
+// @accept application/json
+// @Produce application/json
+// @Param data body model.SysAuthority true "设置角色资源权限"
+// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"设置成功"}"
+// @Router /authority/updateAuthority [post]
+func UpdateAuthority(c *gin.Context) {
+	var auth model.SysAuthority
+	_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&auth)
+	err, authority := service.UpdateAuthority(auth)
+	if err != nil {
+		response.FailWithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("更新失败,%v", err), c)
+	} else {
+		response.OkWithData(resp.SysAuthorityResponse{authority}, c)
+	}
 // @Tags authority
 // @Summary 分页获取角色列表
 // @Security ApiKeyAuth

+ 0 - 1

@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ func GetBaseMenuTree(c *gin.Context) {
 		response.FailWithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("获取失败,%v", err), c)
 	} else {
 		response.OkWithData(resp.SysBaseMenusResponse{Menus: menus}, c)

+ 19 - 0

@@ -229,3 +229,22 @@ func SetUserAuthority(c *gin.Context) {
 		response.OkWithMessage("修改成功", c)
+// @Tags SysUser
+// @Summary 删除用户
+// @Security ApiKeyAuth
+// @accept application/json
+// @Produce application/json
+// @Param data body request.SetUserAuth true "删除用户"
+// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"修改成功"}"
+// @Router /user/deleteUser [delete]
+func DeleteUser(c *gin.Context) {
+	var reqId request.GetById
+	_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&reqId)
+	err := service.DeleteUser(reqId.Id)
+	if err != nil {
+		response.FailWithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("删除失败,%v", err), c)
+	} else {
+		response.OkWithMessage("删除成功", c)
+	}

+ 39 - 58

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  Target Server Version : 50644
  File Encoding         : 65001
- Date: 13/04/2020 09:48:03
+ Date: 15/04/2020 17:48:50
 SET NAMES utf8mb4;
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/createAuthority', 'POS
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/deleteAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/getAuthorityList', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/setDataAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
+INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/updateAuthority', 'PUT', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/menu/getMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/menu/getMenuList', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/menu/addBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
@@ -154,28 +155,6 @@ INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/customer/customer', 'DELETE', ''
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/customer/customer', 'GET', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/customer/customerList', 'GET', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/autoCode/createTemp', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/base/login', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/base/register', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/createApi', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/getApiList', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/getApiById', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/deleteApi', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/updateApi', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/getAllApis', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/createApi', 'GET', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/createAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/deleteAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/getAuthorityList', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/setDataAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getMenuList', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/addBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getBaseMenuTree', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/addMenuAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getMenuAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/deleteBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/updateBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getBaseMenuById', 'POST', '', '', '');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for ch_cities
@@ -3835,7 +3814,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `exa_file_chunks`  (
   `file_chunk_number` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_exa_file_chunks_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 5 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for exa_file_upload_and_downloads
@@ -3855,15 +3834,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `exa_file_upload_and_downloads`  (
   INDEX `idx_exa_file_upload_and_downloads_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
 ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 16 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
--- ----------------------------
--- Records of exa_file_upload_and_downloads
--- ----------------------------
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (7, '2019-10-26 22:46:32', '2019-10-26 22:46:32', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572101191logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (10, '2019-10-26 23:10:44', '2019-10-26 23:10:44', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572102643logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (12, '2019-10-26 23:14:08', '2019-10-26 23:14:08', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572102846logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (13, '2019-10-26 23:18:17', '2019-10-26 23:18:17', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572103096logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (15, '2019-12-15 14:31:00', '2019-12-15 14:31:00', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1576391451logo.png');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for exa_files
 -- ----------------------------
@@ -3880,7 +3850,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `exa_files`  (
   `is_finish` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_exa_files_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 4 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for jwt_blacklists
@@ -3894,7 +3864,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `jwt_blacklists`  (
   `jwt` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL,
   INDEX `idx_jwt_blacklists_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 39 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 47 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of jwt_blacklists
@@ -3935,6 +3905,14 @@ INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (35, '2020-01-06 16:59:26', '2020-01-06 16:5
 INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (36, '2020-03-21 14:46:14', '2020-03-21 14:46:14', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg1Mzc3ODY3LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODQ3NzIwNjd9.DLhWhD1FdcWLyFLcXQynKJnenbVHrSiKhlDGFRzgo5k');
 INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (37, '2020-03-31 14:24:35', '2020-03-31 14:24:35', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg2MTM4MTA4LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODU1MzIzMDh9.Ro2F2dZLfOk2Z_OPRbweOuCpchr6HlHfQIF5qjfc8y4');
 INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (38, '2020-04-01 16:07:57', '2020-04-01 16:07:57', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg2MjQwNzQyLCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODU2MzQ5NDJ9.9qaOFu7D5cq4vxTfLi4pyO_JGcKjVAEJIcoStJWJlYg');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (39, '2020-04-15 16:30:41', '2020-04-15 16:30:41', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3MDk1Njg5LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY0ODk4ODl9.-cNmRAyqhylZlzakwoFY08x7RnjI3CiWTiQc_Iabb-c');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (40, '2020-04-15 16:39:26', '2020-04-15 16:39:26', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ0MjUwLCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5Mzg0NTB9.smVP-Rl1EkAuUVqXW7z0mpxA5O86vXj0oH4FukG-NVA');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (41, '2020-04-15 17:08:06', '2020-04-15 17:08:06', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ0NzgxLCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5Mzg5ODF9.OMZ08Y8aPuj40-NGEQ402LyRFBpkLWzzaqD3_tvj1h8');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (42, '2020-04-15 17:08:28', '2020-04-15 17:08:28', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ2NDk0LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5NDA2OTR9.9lsoTbZrwhZ8kMXiH-Ta3A4h_yp7SwLj57mo_u5mrk4');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (43, '2020-04-15 17:10:24', '2020-04-15 17:10:24', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ2NTE1LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5NDA3MTV9.5SrUrUmd4YhzlGmSpA9xJW_wbjV6yI6ty_NriIceOQo');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (44, '2020-04-15 17:11:43', '2020-04-15 17:11:43', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ2NjI5LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5NDA4Mjl9.SFiomEpOshboOe0JGDa1HlJt5aQIF7IeyOsoDwl1o8E');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (45, '2020-04-15 17:12:54', '2020-04-15 17:12:54', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ2NzE4LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5NDA5MTh9.xrwEknZQN2J3poarMTQvb7mX1Icicz2_f60kw36g9og');
+INSERT INTO `jwt_blacklists` VALUES (46, '2020-04-15 17:14:47', '2020-04-15 17:14:47', NULL, 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVVUlEIjoiY2UwZDY2ODUtYzE1Zi00MTI2LWE1YjQtODkwYmM5ZDIzNTZkIiwiSUQiOjEwLCJOaWNrTmFtZSI6Iui2hee6p-euoeeQhuWRmCIsIkF1dGhvcml0eUlkIjoiODg4IiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3NTQ2Nzg5LCJpc3MiOiJxbVBsdXMiLCJuYmYiOjE1ODY5NDA5ODl9.3jbdl1N0KA8ExFMWXHi3ha4aESKq8yDKDgpSH4Xdsnk');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for sys_apis
@@ -3953,7 +3931,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_apis`  (
   INDEX `idx_apis_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE,
   INDEX `idx_sys_apis_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 46 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 47 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of sys_apis
@@ -3999,6 +3977,7 @@ INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (42, '2020-02-25 15:36:48', '2020-02-25 15:37:16',
 INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (43, '2020-02-25 15:37:06', '2020-02-25 15:37:06', NULL, NULL, '/customer/customerList', '获取客户列表', 'customer', 'GET');
 INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (44, '2020-03-12 14:36:54', '2020-03-12 14:56:50', NULL, NULL, '/casbin/casbinTest/:pathParam', 'RESTFUL模式测试', 'casbin', 'GET');
 INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (45, '2020-03-29 23:01:28', '2020-03-29 23:01:28', NULL, NULL, '/autoCode/createTemp', '自动化代码', 'autoCode', 'POST');
+INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (46, '2020-04-15 12:46:58', '2020-04-15 12:46:58', NULL, NULL, '/authority/updateAuthority', '更新角色信息', 'authority', 'PUT');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for sys_authorities
@@ -4019,7 +3998,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_authorities`  (
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of sys_authorities
 -- ----------------------------
-INSERT INTO `sys_authorities` VALUES ('888', '普通用户', '0', '2020-04-04 11:44:56', NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_authorities` VALUES ('888', '普通用户', '0', '2020-04-04 11:44:56', '2020-04-15 13:15:24', NULL);
 INSERT INTO `sys_authorities` VALUES ('8881', '普通用户子角色', '888', '2020-04-04 11:44:56', NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO `sys_authorities` VALUES ('9528', '测试角色', '0', '2020-04-04 11:44:56', NULL, NULL);
@@ -4104,6 +4083,8 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_base_menus`  (
   `icon` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   `nick_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   `sort` int(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+  `keep_alive` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+  `default_menu` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_base_menus_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE,
   INDEX `idx_sys_base_menus_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
@@ -4112,26 +4093,26 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_base_menus`  (
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of sys_base_menus
 -- ----------------------------
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (1, '2019-09-19 22:05:18', '2020-04-07 21:48:04', NULL, 0, 0, 'dashboard', 'dashboard', 0, 'view/dashboard/index.vue', '仪表盘', 'setting', '仪表盘', 1);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (2, '2019-09-19 22:06:17', '2020-03-27 20:33:58', NULL, 0, 0, 'test', 'test', 0, 'view/test/index.vue', '测试菜单', 'info', '测试菜单', 2);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (3, '2019-09-19 22:06:38', '2019-12-12 16:51:31', NULL, 0, 0, 'admin', 'superAdmin', 0, 'view/superAdmin/index.vue', '超级管理员', 'user-solid', '超级管理员', 3);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (4, '2019-09-19 22:11:53', '2019-09-19 22:11:53', NULL, 0, 3, 'authority', 'authority', 0, 'view/superAdmin/authority/authority.vue', '角色管理', 's-custom', '角色管理', 1);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (5, '2019-09-19 22:13:18', '2019-12-12 16:57:20', NULL, 0, 3, 'menu', 'menu', 0, 'view/superAdmin/menu/menu.vue', '菜单管理', 's-order', '菜单管理', 2);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (6, '2019-09-19 22:13:36', '2019-12-12 16:57:30', NULL, 0, 3, 'api', 'api', 0, 'view/superAdmin/api/api.vue', 'api管理', 's-platform', 'api管理', 3);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (17, '2019-10-09 15:12:29', '2019-12-12 16:57:25', NULL, 0, 3, 'user', 'user', 0, 'view/superAdmin/user/user.vue', '用户管理', 'coordinate', '用户管理', 4);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (18, '2019-10-15 22:27:22', '2019-12-12 16:51:33', NULL, 0, 0, 'person', 'person', 1, 'view/person/person.vue', '个人信息', 'user-solid', '个人信息', 4);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (19, '2019-10-20 11:14:42', '2020-03-29 21:39:18', NULL, 0, 0, 'example', 'example', 0, 'view/example/index.vue', '示例文件', 's-management', '示例文件', 6);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (20, '2019-10-20 11:18:11', '2019-10-20 11:18:11', NULL, 0, 19, 'table', 'table', 0, 'view/example/table/table.vue', '表格示例', 's-order', '表格示例', 1);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (21, '2019-10-20 11:19:52', '2019-12-12 16:58:15', NULL, 0, 19, 'form', 'form', 0, 'view/example/form/form.vue', '表单示例', 'document', '表单示例', 2);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (22, '2019-10-20 11:22:19', '2019-12-12 16:58:20', NULL, 0, 19, 'rte', 'rte', 0, 'view/example/rte/rte.vue', '富文本编辑器', 'reading', '富文本编辑器', 3);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (23, '2019-10-20 11:23:39', '2019-12-12 16:58:23', NULL, 0, 19, 'excel', 'excel', 0, 'view/example/excel/excel.vue', 'excel导入导出', 's-marketing', 'excel导入导出', 4);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (26, '2019-10-20 11:27:02', '2019-12-12 16:58:27', NULL, 0, 19, 'upload', 'upload', 0, 'view/example/upload/upload.vue', '上传下载', 'upload', '上传下载', 5);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (33, '2020-02-17 16:20:47', '2020-02-24 19:45:40', NULL, 0, 19, 'breakpoint', 'breakpoint', 0, 'view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue', '断点续传', 'upload', '断点续传', 6);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (34, '2020-02-24 19:48:37', '2020-03-27 20:10:02', NULL, 0, 19, 'customer', 'customer', 0, 'view/example/customer/customer.vue', '客户列表(资源示例)', 's-custom', '客户列表(资源示例)', 7);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (38, '2020-03-29 21:31:03', '2020-03-29 21:31:03', NULL, 0, 0, 'systemTools', 'systemTools', 0, 'view/systemTools/index.vue', '系统工具', 's-cooperation', '系统工具', 5);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (40, '2020-03-29 21:35:10', '2020-03-29 21:35:10', NULL, 0, 38, 'autoCode', 'autoCode', 0, 'view/systemTools/autoCode/index.vue', '代码生成器', 'cpu', '代码生成器', 1);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (41, '2020-03-29 21:36:26', '2020-03-29 21:36:26', NULL, 0, 38, 'formCreate', 'formCreate', 0, 'view/systemTools/formCreate/index.vue', '表单生成器', 'magic-stick', '表单生成器', 2);
-INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (42, '2020-04-02 14:19:36', '2020-04-02 14:20:16', NULL, 0, 38, 'system', 'system', 0, 'view/systemTools/system/system.vue', '系统配置', 's-operation', '系统配置', 3);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (1, '2019-09-19 22:05:18', '2020-04-07 21:48:04', NULL, 0, 0, 'dashboard', 'dashboard', 0, 'view/dashboard/index.vue', '仪表盘', 'setting', '仪表盘', 1, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (2, '2019-09-19 22:06:17', '2020-04-15 17:22:51', NULL, 0, 0, 'test', 'test', 0, 'view/test/index.vue', '测试菜单', 'info', '测试菜单', 2, 0, 0);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (3, '2019-09-19 22:06:38', '2019-12-12 16:51:31', NULL, 0, 0, 'admin', 'superAdmin', 0, 'view/superAdmin/index.vue', '超级管理员', 'user-solid', '超级管理员', 3, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (4, '2019-09-19 22:11:53', '2019-09-19 22:11:53', NULL, 0, 3, 'authority', 'authority', 0, 'view/superAdmin/authority/authority.vue', '角色管理', 's-custom', '角色管理', 1, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (5, '2019-09-19 22:13:18', '2019-12-12 16:57:20', NULL, 0, 3, 'menu', 'menu', 0, 'view/superAdmin/menu/menu.vue', '菜单管理', 's-order', '菜单管理', 2, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (6, '2019-09-19 22:13:36', '2020-04-15 17:37:39', NULL, 0, 3, 'api', 'api', 0, 'view/superAdmin/api/api.vue', 'api管理', 's-platform', 'api管理', 3, 1, 0);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (17, '2019-10-09 15:12:29', '2019-12-12 16:57:25', NULL, 0, 3, 'user', 'user', 0, 'view/superAdmin/user/user.vue', '用户管理', 'coordinate', '用户管理', 4, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (18, '2019-10-15 22:27:22', '2019-12-12 16:51:33', NULL, 0, 0, 'person', 'person', 1, 'view/person/person.vue', '个人信息', 'user-solid', '个人信息', 4, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (19, '2019-10-20 11:14:42', '2020-04-15 16:35:28', NULL, 0, 0, 'example', 'example', 0, 'view/example/index.vue', '示例文件', 's-management', '示例文件', 6, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (20, '2019-10-20 11:18:11', '2019-10-20 11:18:11', NULL, 0, 19, 'table', 'table', 0, 'view/example/table/table.vue', '表格示例', 's-order', '表格示例', 1, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (21, '2019-10-20 11:19:52', '2019-12-12 16:58:15', NULL, 0, 19, 'form', 'form', 0, 'view/example/form/form.vue', '表单示例', 'document', '表单示例', 2, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (22, '2019-10-20 11:22:19', '2019-12-12 16:58:20', NULL, 0, 19, 'rte', 'rte', 0, 'view/example/rte/rte.vue', '富文本编辑器', 'reading', '富文本编辑器', 3, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (23, '2019-10-20 11:23:39', '2019-12-12 16:58:23', NULL, 0, 19, 'excel', 'excel', 0, 'view/example/excel/excel.vue', 'excel导入导出', 's-marketing', 'excel导入导出', 4, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (26, '2019-10-20 11:27:02', '2019-12-12 16:58:27', NULL, 0, 19, 'upload', 'upload', 0, 'view/example/upload/upload.vue', '上传下载', 'upload', '上传下载', 5, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (33, '2020-02-17 16:20:47', '2020-02-24 19:45:40', NULL, 0, 19, 'breakpoint', 'breakpoint', 0, 'view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue', '断点续传', 'upload', '断点续传', 6, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (34, '2020-02-24 19:48:37', '2020-04-15 16:26:21', NULL, 0, 19, 'customer', 'customer', 0, 'view/example/customer/customer.vue', '客户列表(资源示例)', 's-custom', '客户列表(资源示例)', 7, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (38, '2020-03-29 21:31:03', '2020-03-29 21:31:03', NULL, 0, 0, 'systemTools', 'systemTools', 0, 'view/systemTools/index.vue', '系统工具', 's-cooperation', '系统工具', 5, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (40, '2020-03-29 21:35:10', '2020-03-29 21:35:10', NULL, 0, 38, 'autoCode', 'autoCode', 0, 'view/systemTools/autoCode/index.vue', '代码生成器', 'cpu', '代码生成器', 1, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (41, '2020-03-29 21:36:26', '2020-03-29 21:36:26', NULL, 0, 38, 'formCreate', 'formCreate', 0, 'view/systemTools/formCreate/index.vue', '表单生成器', 'magic-stick', '表单生成器', 2, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO `sys_base_menus` VALUES (42, '2020-04-02 14:19:36', '2020-04-02 14:20:16', NULL, 0, 38, 'system', 'system', 0, 'view/systemTools/system/system.vue', '系统配置', 's-operation', '系统配置', 3, NULL, NULL);
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for sys_data_authority_id
@@ -4232,6 +4213,6 @@ INSERT INTO `sys_workflows` VALUES (8, '2019-12-09 15:20:21', '2019-12-09 15:20:
 -- View structure for authority_menu
 -- ----------------------------
 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `authority_menu`;
-CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `authority_menu` AS select `sys_base_menus`.`id` AS `id`,`sys_base_menus`.`created_at` AS `created_at`,`sys_base_menus`.`updated_at` AS `updated_at`,`sys_base_menus`.`deleted_at` AS `deleted_at`,`sys_base_menus`.`menu_level` AS `menu_level`,`sys_base_menus`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`,`sys_base_menus`.`path` AS `path`,`sys_base_menus`.`name` AS `name`,`sys_base_menus`.`hidden` AS `hidden`,`sys_base_menus`.`component` AS `component`,`sys_base_menus`.`title` AS `title`,`sys_base_menus`.`icon` AS `icon`,`sys_base_menus`.`nick_name` AS `nick_name`,`sys_base_menus`.`sort` AS `sort`,`sys_authority_menus`.`sys_authority_authority_id` AS `authority_id`,`sys_authority_menus`.`sys_base_menu_id` AS `menu_id` from (`sys_authority_menus` join `sys_base_menus` on((`sys_authority_menus`.`sys_base_menu_id` = `sys_base_menus`.`id`)));
+CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `authority_menu` AS select `sys_base_menus`.`id` AS `id`,`sys_base_menus`.`created_at` AS `created_at`,`sys_base_menus`.`updated_at` AS `updated_at`,`sys_base_menus`.`deleted_at` AS `deleted_at`,`sys_base_menus`.`menu_level` AS `menu_level`,`sys_base_menus`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`,`sys_base_menus`.`path` AS `path`,`sys_base_menus`.`name` AS `name`,`sys_base_menus`.`hidden` AS `hidden`,`sys_base_menus`.`component` AS `component`,`sys_base_menus`.`title` AS `title`,`sys_base_menus`.`icon` AS `icon`,`sys_base_menus`.`nick_name` AS `nick_name`,`sys_base_menus`.`sort` AS `sort`,`sys_authority_menus`.`sys_authority_authority_id` AS `authority_id`,`sys_authority_menus`.`sys_base_menu_id` AS `menu_id`,`sys_base_menus`.`keep_alive` AS `keep_alive`,`sys_base_menus`.`default_menu` AS `default_menu` from (`sys_authority_menus` join `sys_base_menus` on((`sys_authority_menus`.`sys_base_menu_id` = `sys_base_menus`.`id`)));

+ 5 - 3

@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ type SysBaseMenu struct {
 type Meta struct {
-	Title string `json:"title"`
-	Icon  string `json:"icon"`
+	KeepAlive   bool   `json:"keepAlive"`
+	DefaultMenu bool   `json:"defaultMenu"`
+	Title       string `json:"title"`
+	Icon        string `json:"icon"`

+ 1 - 0

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ func InitAuthorityRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("createAuthority", v1.CreateAuthority)   //创建角色
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("deleteAuthority", v1.DeleteAuthority)   //删除角色
+		AuthorityRouter.PUT("updateAuthority", v1.UpdateAuthority)    //更新角色
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("getAuthorityList", v1.GetAuthorityList) //获取角色列表
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("setDataAuthority", v1.SetDataAuthority) //设置角色资源权限

+ 1 - 0

@@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ func InitUserRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
 		UserRouter.POST("uploadHeaderImg", v1.UploadHeaderImg)   //上传头像
 		UserRouter.POST("getUserList", v1.GetUserList)           // 分页获取用户列表
 		UserRouter.POST("setUserAuthority", v1.SetUserAuthority) //设置用户权限
+		UserRouter.DELETE("deleteUser", v1.DeleteUser)           //删除用户

+ 12 - 0

@@ -19,6 +19,18 @@ func CreateAuthority(auth model.SysAuthority) (err error, authority model.SysAut
 	return err, auth
+// @title    UpdateAuthority
+// @description   更改一个角色
+// @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)
+// @param     auth            model.SysAuthority
+// @return                    error
+// @return    authority       model.SysAuthority
+func UpdateAuthority(auth model.SysAuthority) (err error, authority model.SysAuthority) {
+	err = global.GVA_DB.Where("authority_id = ?", auth.AuthorityId).First(&model.SysAuthority{}).Updates(&auth).Error
+	return err, auth
 // @title    DeleteAuthority
 // @description   删除角色
 // @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)

+ 13 - 2

@@ -32,10 +32,13 @@ func DeleteBaseMenu(id float64) (err error) {
 // @description   更新路由
 // @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)
 // @param     menu            model.SysBaseMenu
-// @return    err             error
+// @return    err             errorgetMenu
 func UpdateBaseMenu(menu model.SysBaseMenu) (err error) {
+	var oldMenu model.SysBaseMenu
 	upDateMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+	upDateMap["keep_alive"] = menu.KeepAlive
+	upDateMap["default_menu"] = menu.DefaultMenu
 	upDateMap["parent_id"] = menu.ParentId
 	upDateMap["path"] = menu.Path
 	upDateMap["name"] = menu.Name
@@ -44,7 +47,15 @@ func UpdateBaseMenu(menu model.SysBaseMenu) (err error) {
 	upDateMap["title"] = menu.Title
 	upDateMap["icon"] = menu.Icon
 	upDateMap["sort"] = menu.Sort
-	err = global.GVA_DB.Where("id = ?", menu.ID).Find(&model.SysBaseMenu{}).Updates(upDateMap).Error
+	db := global.GVA_DB.Where("id = ?", menu.ID).Find(&oldMenu)
+	if oldMenu.Name != menu.Name {
+		notSame := global.GVA_DB.Where("id <> ? AND name = ?", menu.ID, menu.Name).First(&model.SysBaseMenu{}).RecordNotFound()
+		if !notSame {
+			global.GVA_LOG.Debug("存在相同name修改失败")
+			return errors.New("存在相同name修改失败")
+		}
+	}
+	err = db.Updates(upDateMap).Error
 	global.GVA_LOG.Debug("菜单修改时候,关联菜单err:%v", err)
 	return err

+ 2 - 3

@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ import (
 // @return    menus           []model.SysMenu
 func GetMenuTree(authorityId string) (err error, menus []model.SysMenu) {
-	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? AND authority_menu.parent_id = ?"
+	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.keep_alive,authority_menu.default_menu,authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? AND authority_menu.parent_id = ? ORDER BY authority_menu.sort ASC"
 	err = global.GVA_DB.Raw(sql, authorityId, 0).Scan(&menus).Error
 	for i := 0; i < len(menus); i++ {
 		err = getChildrenList(&menus[i], sql)
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ func AddMenuAuthority(menus []model.SysBaseMenu, authorityId string) (err error)
 // @return    menus           []SysBaseMenu
 func GetMenuAuthority(authorityId string) (err error, menus []model.SysMenu) {
-	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ?"
+	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.keep_alive,authority_menu.default_menu,authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? ORDER BY authority_menu.sort ASC"
 	err = global.GVA_DB.Raw(sql, authorityId).Scan(&menus).Error
 	return err, menus

+ 13 - 0

@@ -95,6 +95,19 @@ func SetUserAuthority(uuid uuid.UUID, authorityId string) (err error) {
 	return err
+// @title    SetUserAuthority
+// @description   set the authority of a certain user, 设置一个用户的权限
+// @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)
+// @param     uuid            UUID
+// @param     authorityId     string
+// @return    err             error
+func DeleteUser(id float64) (err error) {
+	var user model.SysUser
+	err = global.GVA_DB.Where("id = ?", id).Delete(&user).Error
+	return err
 // @title    UploadHeaderImg
 // @description   upload avatar, 用户头像上传更新地址
 // @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)

+ 15 - 0

@@ -59,4 +59,19 @@ export const setDataAuthority = (data) => {
         method: 'post',
+// @Summary 修改角色
+// @Security ApiKeyAuth
+// @accept application/json
+// @Produce application/json
+// @Param data body model.SysAuthority true "修改角色"
+// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"设置成功"}"
+// @Router /authority/setDataAuthority [post]
+export const updateAuthority = (data) => {
+    return service({
+        url: "/authority/updateAuthority",
+        method: 'put',
+        data
+    })

+ 17 - 0

@@ -77,4 +77,21 @@ export const setUserAuthority = (data) => {
         method: 'post',
         data: data
+// @Tags SysUser
+// @Summary 删除用户
+// @Security ApiKeyAuth
+// @accept application/json
+// @Produce application/json
+// @Param data body request.SetUserAuth true "删除用户"
+// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"修改成功"}"
+// @Router /user/deleteUser [delete]
+export const deleteUser = (data) => {
+    return service({
+        url: "/user/deleteUser",
+        method: 'delete',
+        data: data
+    })

+ 0 - 4

@@ -24,9 +24,5 @@ export default {
             this.pageSize =
-    },
-    mounted() {
-        this.getTableData()

+ 162 - 159

@@ -530,11 +530,12 @@ ol,
 li {
     list-style-type: none;
-    tr{
-        td{
-            .cell{
-                .el-button+.el-button{
+.el-table__body-wrapper {
+    tr {
+        td {
+            .cell {
+                .el-button+.el-button {
                     margin-left: 0;
@@ -542,210 +543,204 @@ li {
 // navbar
-.el-scrollbar {
-    .el-scrollbar__view {
-      .el-menu-vertical{
-    background-color: #001529;
-      }
-      .el-menu-item:hover i,
-      .el-menu-item:hover span{
-        color:#fff;
-      }
-      li{
-         background-color: #001529;
-        ul{
-          .el-menu-item{
-             background-color: #000408;
-             height: 44px;
-             line-height: 44px;
-          }
-          .is-active{
-           background-color:#1890ff;
-         }
-        }
-      }
-      .el-submenu__title:hover{
-         background-color: #001529;
-      }
-      .el-submenu__title:hover i,
-      .el-submenu__title:hover span{
-        color:#fff;
-      }
-      .el-menu--inline{
-          border-left: 5px solid #2c3b41;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-//   layout
-    .layout-cont{
-        .main-cont{
-            position: relative;
-            &.el-main {
-                background-color: #ecf0f5;
-                padding: 0;
+.aside {
+    .el-scrollbar {
+        .el-scrollbar__view {
+            .el-menu-vertical {
+                background-color: #001529;
-            .breadcrumb{
-                background-color: #fff;
-                padding: 0 0 15px 15px;
+            .el-menu-item:hover i,
+            .el-menu-item:hover span {
+                color: #fff;
+            }
+            li {
+                background-color: #001529;
+                ul {
+                    .el-menu-item {
+                        background-color: #000408;
+                        height: 44px;
+                        line-height: 44px;
+                    }
+                    .is-active {
+                        background-color: #1890ff;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            .el-submenu__title:hover {
+                background-color: #001529;
+            }
+            .el-submenu__title:hover i,
+            .el-submenu__title:hover span {
+                color: #fff;
+            }
+            .el-menu--inline {
+                border-left: 5px solid #2c3b41;
-    .admin-box {
-        padding: 15px 20px;
-        .el-button{
-            padding: 7px 10px;
-        }
-        .el-input__inner{
-            height: 30px;
-            line-height: 30px;
+//   layout
+.layout-cont {
+    .main-cont {
+        position: relative;
+        &.el-main {
+            background-color: #ecf0f5;
+            padding: 0;
-        .el-input__icon{
-            line-height: 30px;
+        .breadcrumb {
+            background-color: #fff;
+            padding: 0 0 15px 15px;
-    .button-box{
-        background: #fff;
-        border: 1px solid #ebeef5;
-        border-bottom: none;
+.admin-box {
+    padding: 15px 20px;
+    .el-button {
+        padding: 7px 10px;
-    .search-term{
-        background: #fff;
-        padding: 0 15px;
-        border-left: 1px solid #ebeef5;
-        border-right: 1px solid #ebeef5;
+    .el-input__inner {
+        height: 30px;
+        line-height: 30px;
+    }
+    .el-input__icon {
+        line-height: 30px;
+.button-box {
+    background: #fff;
+    border: 1px solid #ebeef5;
+    border-bottom: none;
+ {
+    background: #fff;
+    padding: 0 15px;
+    border-left: 1px solid #ebeef5;
+    border-right: 1px solid #ebeef5;
 // table
-    tr{
-        th{
+.has-gutter {
+    tr {
+        th {
             background-color: #fafafa;
-    .el-table__body{
-        tr.el-table__row--striped{
-            td{
+.el-table--striped {
+    .el-table__body {
+        tr.el-table__row--striped {
+            td {
                 background: #fff!important;
-.el-table th, .el-table tr{
+.el-table th,
+.el-table tr {
     background-color: #fafafa;
+.el-pagination {
-    .btn-next{
+    .btn-next {
         border: 1px solid #ddd;
         border-radius: 4px;
-    .el-pager{
-        li{
+    .el-pager {
+        li {
             color: #666;
             font-size: 12px;
             margin: 0 5px;
             border: 1px solid #ddd;
             border-radius: 4px;
-    } 
+    }
 // el-form
+.el-form {
     background-color: #fff;
     padding: 10px 0;
+.el-row {
     padding: 10px 0;
-    .el-col>label{
-            line-height: 30px;
-            text-align: right;
-            width: 80%;
-            padding-right: 15px;
-            display: inline-block;
+    .el-col>label {
+        line-height: 30px;
+        text-align: right;
+        width: 80%;
+        padding-right: 15px;
+        display: inline-block;
-    .line{
+    .line {
         line-height: 30px;
         text-align: center;
 // edit_container
+.edit_container {
     background-color: #fff;
     padding: 15px;
     .el-button {
         margin: 15px 0;
+.edit {
     background-color: #fff;
-    padding: 15px; 
+    padding: 15px;
     .el-button {
         margin: 15px 0;
 // upload-demo
+.upload {
     background-color: #fff;
-    padding: 15px; 
-    .el-upload-list__item-status-label{
+    padding: 15px;
+    .el-upload-list__item-status-label {
         right: 0;
         left: 120px;
-    .el-upload__tip{
+    .el-upload__tip {
         margin: 10px 0;
-       }
+    }
 // system
+.system {
     padding: 15px;
-    .el-input__inner{
+    .el-input__inner {
         width: 80%;
 // 导航
 #app {
-    .el-container{
+    .el-container {
         position: relative;
         height: 100%;
         width: 100%;
     } {
         position: fixed;
         top: 0;
-    .hideside{
-        .aside{
+    .hideside {
+        .aside {
             width: 54px!important;
-    .el-aside{
+    .el-aside {
         -webkit-transition: width .2s;
         transition: width .2s;
         width: 220px;
@@ -759,66 +754,57 @@ li {
         z-index: 1001;
         overflow: hidden;
-    .mobile.hideside{
-        .el-aside{
+    .mobile.hideside {
+        .el-aside {
             // pointer-events: none;
             -webkit-transition-duration: .2s;
             transition-duration: .2s;
-            -webkit-transform: translate3d(-210px,0,0);
-            transform: translate3d(-220px,0,0);
+            -webkit-transform: translate3d(-210px, 0, 0);
+            transform: translate3d(-220px, 0, 0);
-    .mobile{
-        .el-aside{
+    .mobile {
+        .el-aside {
             -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .28s;
             transition: -webkit-transform .28s;
             transition: transform .28s;
-            transition: transform .28s,-webkit-transform .28s;
+            transition: transform .28s, -webkit-transform .28s;
             width: 210px!important
-    .el-container{
+    .el-container {
         position: relative;
         height: 100%;
         width: 100%;
-        .el-aside{
+        .el-aside {
             // transition: none;
-          .aside {
+            .aside {
                 background: #000;
-                .el-menu{
+                .el-menu {
                     border-right: none;
-    .main-cont.el-main{
+    .main-cont.el-main {
         min-height: 100%;
         -webkit-transition: margin-left .28s;
         transition: margin-left .28s;
         margin-left: 220px;
         position: relative;
-    .hideside{
-        .main-cont.el-main{
+    .hideside {
+        .main-cont.el-main {
             margin-left: 54px;
-  .mobile {
-        .main-cont.el-main{
+    .mobile {
+        .main-cont.el-main {
             margin-left: 0px;
-        .shadowBg{
+ {
+        .shadowBg {
             background: #000;
             opacity: .3;
             width: 100%;
@@ -829,22 +815,39 @@ li {
             left: 0;
-    .el-menu{
+.el-menu .el-menu--inline {
+    background: #2c3b41;
+.el-submenu .el-submenu {
+    background-color: #000408 !important;
+.aside .el-scrollbar .el-scrollbar__view .el-submenu__title:hover {
+    background-color: #000408 !important;
+.el-submenu {
+    .aside .el-scrollbar .el-scrollbar__view .el-submenu__title:hover {
+        background-color: #000408 !important;
+    }
+.el-menu--vertical {
+    .el-menu {
         margin-left: -8px;
-        background-color:rgb(48,65,86);
-        .el-menu-item{
-            background-color:rgb(48,65,86);
+        background-color: rgb(48, 65, 86);
+        .el-menu-item {
+            background-color: rgb(48, 65, 86);
-        .el-menu-item:focus, 
-        .el-menu-item:hover{
+        .el-menu-item:focus,
+        .el-menu-item:hover {
             background-color: #263445;
             color: #fff;
-// 导航*****
+// 导航*****

+ 112 - 11

@@ -1,17 +1,31 @@
   <div class="hello">
-    <form id="fromCont" method="post">
-      <input @change="choseFile" id="file" multiple="multiple" type="file" />
+     <el-divider content-position="left">大文件上传</el-divider>
+    <form id="fromCont" method="post" >
+      <div class="fileUpload">
+        选择文件<input @change="choseFile" id="file" multiple="multiple" type="file"  />
+      </div>
-    <el-button @click="getFile">上传</el-button>
-    <span
+     <el-button @click="getFile" :disabled="limitFileSize" type="primary" size="medium" class="uploadBtn">上传文件</el-button>
+    <div class="el-upload__tip">请上传不超过5MB的文件</div>
+    <div class="list">
+      <transition-group name="list" tag="p">
+        <div class="list-item" v-for="(item,i) in uploadList" :key="i" >
+          <i class="el-icon-document"></i>
+          <span>{{ }}</span>
+          <span v-if="file" class="percentage" >{{percentage}}%</span>
+          <el-progress  :show-text='false' :text-inside="false" :stroke-width="2" :percentage="percentage"></el-progress>
+        </div> 
+      </transition-group>
+   </div>
+    <!-- <span
-    >{{Math.floor(((this.formDataList.length-this.waitNum)/this.formDataList.length)*100)}}%</span>
-    <h2>此版本为先行体验功能测试版,样式美化和性能优化正在进行中,上传切片文件和合成的完整文件分别再QMPlusserver目录的breakpointDir文件夹和fileDir文件夹</h2>
+    >{{Math.floor(((this.formDataList.length-this.waitNum)/this.formDataList.length)*100)}}%</span> -->
+    <h2 class="tips">此版本为先行体验功能测试版,样式美化和性能优化正在进行中,上传切片文件和合成的完整文件分别再QMPlusserver目录的breakpointDir文件夹和fileDir文件夹</h2>
 import SparkMD5 from 'spark-md5'
 import axios from 'axios'
 import {
@@ -27,15 +41,25 @@ export default {
       fileMd5: '',
       formDataList: [],
       waitUpLoad: [],
-      waitNum: 0
+      waitNum: 0,
+      limitFileSize: false,
+      percentage:0,
+      percentageFlage: true,
+      customColor: '#409eff',
+      uploadList:[]
+  },
+  created(){
   methods: {
     // 选中文件的函数
     async choseFile(e) {
       const fileR = new FileReader() // 创建一个reader用来读取文件流
       const file =[0] // 获取当前文件
+      const maxSize = 5*1024*1024
       this.file = file // file 丢全局方便后面用 可以改进为func传参形式
+    if(file.size<maxSize){
       fileR.readAsArrayBuffer(file) // 把文件读成ArrayBuffer  主要为了保持跟后端的流一致
       fileR.onload = async e => {
         // 读成arrayBuffer的回调 e 为方法自带参数 相当于 dom的e 流存在 中
@@ -83,6 +107,10 @@ export default {
         this.waitNum = this.waitUpLoad.length // 记录长度用于百分比展示
+      } else {
+         this.limitFileSize = true
+         this.$message('请上传小于5M文件')
+      }
     getFile() {
       // 确定按钮
@@ -90,7 +118,14 @@ export default {
+      this.percentage = Math.floor(((this.formDataList.length-this.waitNum)/this.formDataList.length)*100)
+      if(this.percentage == 100){
+        this.percentageFlage = false
+      }
       this.sliceFile() // 上传切片
+      if(this.percentage == 100){
+        this.uploadList.push(this.file)
+      }
     sliceFile() {
       this.waitUpLoad &&
@@ -119,7 +154,7 @@ export default {
           fileMd5: this.fileMd5
         const res = await breakpointContinueFinish(params)
-        if (res.code == 0) {
+        if (res.success) {
           // 合成文件过后 删除缓存切片
           const params = {
@@ -134,7 +169,7 @@ export default {
-<style scoped>
+<style lang='scss' scoped>
 h3 {
   margin: 40px 0 0;
@@ -149,4 +184,70 @@ li {
 a {
   color: #42b983;
+  display: inline-block;
+    padding: 4px 10px;
+    height: 20px;
+    line-height: 20px;
+    position: relative;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    color: #000;
+    border: 1px solid #c1c1c1;
+    border-radius: 4px;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    display: inline-block;
+  input{
+    position: absolute;
+    font-size: 100px;
+    right: 0;
+    top: 0;
+    opacity: 0;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  }
+ .fileName{
+    display: inline-block;
+    vertical-align: top;
+    margin: 6px 15px 0 15px;
+  }
+  .uploadBtn{
+    position: relative;
+    top: -10px;
+    margin-left: 15px;
+  }
+  .tips{
+    margin-top: 30px;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    font-weight: 400;
+    color: #606266;
+  }
+  .el-divider{
+    margin: 0 0 30px 0;
+  }
+ .list{
+   margin-top:15px;
+ }
+ .list-item {
+  display: block;
+  margin-right: 10px;
+  color: #606266;
+  line-height: 25px;
+  margin-bottom: 5px;
+  width: 40%;
+   .percentage{
+          float: right;
+        }
+.list-enter-active, .list-leave-active {
+  transition: all 1s;
+.list-enter, .list-leave-to
+/* .list-leave-active for below version 2.1.8 */ {
+  opacity: 0;
+  transform: translateY(-30px);

+ 8 - 1

@@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ export default {
       this.dialogFormVisible = false
+      this.form = {
+        customerName:"",
+        customerPhoneData:""
+      }
     async deleteCustomer(row){
       this.visible = false
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ export default {
       if(res.code == 0){
-        this.dialogFormVisible = false
+        this.closeDialog()
@@ -157,6 +161,9 @@ export default {
       this.type = "create"
       this.dialogFormVisible = true
+  },
+  created(){
+    this.getTableData()

+ 3 - 0

@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ export default {
     downloadFile(row) {
+  },
+  created(){
+    this.getTableData()

+ 6 - 1

@@ -67,7 +67,12 @@
         :to="{ path: item.path }" 暂时注释不用-->
         <HistoryComponent />
         <transition mode="out-in" name="el-fade-in-linear">
-          <router-view class="admin-box"></router-view>
+          <keep-alive>
+            <router-view v-if="$route.meta.keepAlive" class="admin-box"></router-view>
+          </keep-alive>
+        </transition>
+        <transition mode="out-in" name="el-fade-in-linear">
+            <router-view v-if="!$route.meta.keepAlive" class="admin-box"></router-view>

+ 10 - 1

@@ -181,6 +181,12 @@ export default {
     initForm() {
+      this.form= {
+        path: '',
+        apiGroup: '',
+        method: '',
+        description: ''
+      }
     closeDialog() {
@@ -253,7 +259,7 @@ export default {
                 if (res.code == 0) {
                     type: 'success',
-                    message: '添加成功',
+                    message: '编辑成功',
                     showClose: true
@@ -285,6 +291,9 @@ export default {
       const target = methodOptions.filter(item => item.value === value)[0]
       return target && `${target.type}`
+  },
+  created(){
+    this.getTableData()

+ 100 - 14

@@ -16,19 +16,28 @@
       <el-table-column fixed="right" label="操作" min-width="300">
         <template slot-scope="scope">
           <el-button @click="opdendrawer(scope.row)" size="small" type="text">设置权限</el-button>
-          <el-button @click="deleteAuth(scope.row)" size="small" type="text">删除角色</el-button>
           <el-button @click="addAuthority(scope.row.authorityId)" size="small" type="text">新增子角色</el-button>
+          <el-button @click="editAuthority(scope.row)" size="small" type="text">编辑角色</el-button>
+          <el-button @click="deleteAuth(scope.row)" size="small" type="text">删除角色</el-button>
     <!-- 新增角色弹窗 -->
     <el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogFormVisible" :title="dialogTitle">
       <el-form :model="form" :rules="rules" ref="authorityForm">
-        <el-form-item label="父级角色ID" prop="parentId">
-          <el-input autocomplete="off" disabled v-model="form.parentId"></el-input>
+        <el-form-item label="父级角色"  prop="parentId">
+           <el-cascader
+              :disabled="dialogType=='add'"
+              v-model="form.parentId"
+              :options="AuthorityOption"
+              :show-all-levels="false"
+              :props="{ checkStrictly: true,label:'authorityName',value:'authorityId',disabled:'disabled',emitPath:false}"
+              filterable>
+              </el-cascader>
         <el-form-item label="角色ID" prop="authorityId">
-          <el-input autocomplete="off" v-model="form.authorityId"></el-input>
+          <el-input autocomplete="off" :disabled="dialogType=='edit'" v-model="form.authorityId"></el-input>
         <el-form-item label="角色姓名" prop="authorityName">
           <el-input autocomplete="off" v-model="form.authorityName"></el-input>
@@ -62,7 +71,8 @@
 import {
-  createAuthority
+  createAuthority,
+  updateAuthority 
 } from '@/api/authority'
 import Menus from '@/view/superAdmin/authority/components/menus'
@@ -75,8 +85,13 @@ export default {
   mixins: [infoList],
   data() {
     return {
+      AuthorityOption:[{
+          authorityId:"0",
+          authorityName:"根角色"
+        }],
       listApi: getAuthorityList,
       drawer: false,
+      dialogType:"add",
       activeRow: {},
       activeUserId: 0,
@@ -137,6 +152,11 @@ export default {
     // 初始化表单
     initForm() {
+      this.form =  {
+        authorityId: '',
+        authorityName: '',
+        parentId: '0'
+      }
     // 关闭窗口
     closeDialog() {
@@ -156,28 +176,94 @@ export default {
       this.$refs.authorityForm.validate(async valid => {
         if (valid) {
-          const res = await createAuthority(this.form)
-          if (res.code == 0) {
-            this.$message({
-              type: 'success',
-              message: '添加成功!'
-            })
-            this.getTableData()
-            this.closeDialog()
+          switch (this.dialogType) {
+            case 'add':
+              {
+                const res = await createAuthority(this.form)
+                if (res.code == 0) {
+                  this.$message({
+                    type: 'success',
+                    message: '添加成功!'
+                  })
+                  this.getTableData()
+                  this.closeDialog()
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            case 'edit':
+              {
+                const res = await updateAuthority(this.form)
+                if (res.code == 0) {
+                  this.$message({
+                    type: 'success',
+                    message: '添加成功!'
+                  })
+                  this.getTableData()
+                  this.closeDialog()
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            default:
+              break;
           this.dialogFormVisible = false
+    setOptions(){
+       this.AuthorityOption = [{
+          authorityId:"0",
+          authorityName:"根角色"
+        }]
+      this.setAuthorityOptions(this.tableData,this.AuthorityOption,false)
+    },
+    setAuthorityOptions(AuthorityData,optionsData,disabled){
+      AuthorityData&&>{
+        if(item.children.length){
+          const option = {
+            authorityId:item.authorityId,
+            authorityName:item.authorityName,
+            disabled:disabled||item.authorityId == this.form.authorityId,
+            children:[]
+        }
+          this.setAuthorityOptions(item.children,option.children,disabled||item.authorityId == this.form.authorityId)
+          optionsData.push(option)
+        }else{
+          const option = {
+              authorityId:item.authorityId,
+              authorityName:item.authorityName,
+              disabled:disabled||item.authorityId == this.form.authorityId,
+          }
+          optionsData.push(option)
+        }
+      })
+    },
     // 增加角色
     addAuthority(parentId) {
+      this.dialogTitle = "新增角色"
+      this.dialogType = "add"
       this.form.parentId = parentId
+      this.setOptions()
+      this.dialogFormVisible = true
+    },
+    // 编辑角色
+    editAuthority(row) {
+      this.setOptions()
+      this.dialogTitle = "编辑角色"
+      this.dialogType = "edit"
+      for(let key in this.form){
+        this.form[key] = row[key]
+      }
+      this.setOptions()
       this.dialogFormVisible = true
-  created() {
+  async created() {
     this.pageSize = 999
+    await this.getTableData()

+ 75 - 13

@@ -47,7 +47,14 @@
         <el-form-item label="父节点Id">
-          <el-input autocomplete="off" disabled v-model="form.parentId"></el-input>
+           <el-cascader
+              :disabled="!this.isEdit"
+              v-model="form.parentId"
+              :options="menuOption"
+              :show-all-levels="false"
+              :props="{ checkStrictly: true,label:'title',value:'ID',disabled:'disabled',emitPath:false}"
+              filterable>
+              </el-cascader>
         <el-form-item label="文件路径" prop="component">
           <el-input autocomplete="off" v-model="form.component"></el-input>
@@ -55,12 +62,18 @@
         <el-form-item label="展示名称" prop="meta.title">
           <el-input autocomplete="off" v-model="form.meta.title"></el-input>
-        <el-form-item label="图标">
+        <el-form-item label="图标" prop="meta.icon">
           <el-input autocomplete="off" v-model="form.meta.icon"></el-input>
-        <el-form-item label="排序标记">
+        <el-form-item label="排序标记" prop="sort">
           <el-input autocomplete="off" v-model.number="form.sort"></el-input>
+        <el-form-item label="keepAlive" prop="meta.keepAlive">
+          <el-select placeholder="是否keepAlive缓存页面" v-model="form.meta.keepAlive">
+            <el-option :value="false" label="否"></el-option>
+            <el-option :value="true" label="是"></el-option>
+          </el-select>
+        </el-form-item>
       <div class="warning">新增菜单需要在角色管理内配置权限才可使用</div>
       <div class="dialog-footer" slot="footer">
@@ -90,6 +103,12 @@ export default {
       listApi: getMenuList,
       dialogFormVisible: false,
+      menuOption:[
+        {
+          ID:"0",
+          title:"根菜单"
+        }
+      ],
       form: {
         ID: 0,
         path: '',
@@ -99,7 +118,9 @@ export default {
         component: '',
         meta: {
           title: '',
-          icon: ''
+          icon: '',
+          defaultMenu:false,
+          keepAlive:false
       rules: {
@@ -115,6 +136,34 @@ export default {
   methods: {
+    setOptions(){
+       this.menuOption = [{
+          ID:"0",
+          title:"根目录"
+        }]
+      this.setMenuOptions(this.tableData,this.menuOption,false)
+    },
+    setMenuOptions(menuData,optionsData,disabled){
+      menuData&&>{
+        if(item.children.length){
+          const option = {
+            title:item.meta.title,
+            ID:String(item.ID),
+            disabled:disabled||item.ID == this.form.ID,
+            children:[]
+        }
+          this.setMenuOptions(item.children,option.children,disabled||item.ID == this.form.ID)
+          optionsData.push(option)
+        }else{
+          const option = {
+              title:item.meta.title,
+              ID:String(item.ID),
+              disabled:disabled||item.ID == this.form.ID,
+          }
+          optionsData.push(option)
+        }
+      })
+    },
     handleClose(done) {
@@ -163,6 +212,20 @@ export default {
     // 初始化弹窗内表格方法
     initForm() {
+      this.form = {
+        ID: 0,
+        path: '',
+        name: '',
+        hidden: '',
+        parentId: '',
+        component: '',
+        meta: {
+          title: '',
+          icon: '',
+          defaultMenu:false,
+          keepAlive:""
+        }
+      }
     // 关闭弹窗
     closeDialog() {
@@ -183,14 +246,9 @@ export default {
           if (res.code == 0) {
               type: 'success',
-              message: '添加成功!'
+              message: this.isEdit?'编辑成功':'添加成功!'
-          } else {
-            this.$message({
-              type: 'error',
-              message: '添加失败!'
-            })
           this.dialogFormVisible = false
@@ -202,6 +260,7 @@ export default {
       this.dialogTitle = "新增菜单"
       this.form.parentId = String(id)
       this.isEdit = false
+      this.setOptions()
       this.dialogFormVisible = true
     // 修改菜单方法
@@ -209,12 +268,15 @@ export default {
       this.dialogTitle = "编辑菜单"
       const res = await getBaseMenuById({ id })
       this.form =
-      this.dialogFormVisible = true
       this.isEdit = true
-    }
+      this.setOptions()
+      this.dialogFormVisible = true
+    },
-  created() {
+   async created() {
     this.pageSize = 999
+    await this.getTableData()
+    await this.getMenuList(this.tableData)

+ 63 - 21

@@ -16,18 +16,29 @@
       <el-table-column label="昵称" min-width="150" prop="nickName"></el-table-column>
       <el-table-column label="用户角色" min-width="150">
         <template slot-scope="scope">
-          <el-select
+          <el-cascader
-            placeholder="请选择"
-            v-model="scope.row.authority.authorityId"
-          >
-            <el-option
-              :key="item.authorityId"
-              :label="item.authorityName"
-              :value="item.authorityId"
-              v-for="item in authOptions"
-            ></el-option>
-          </el-select>
+              v-model="scope.row.authority.authorityId"
+              :options="authOptions"
+              :show-all-levels="false"
+              :props="{ checkStrictly: true,label:'authorityName',value:'authorityId',disabled:'disabled',emitPath:false}"
+              filterable>
+              </el-cascader>
+        </template>
+      </el-table-column>
+      <el-table-column label="操作" min-width="150">
+        <template slot-scope="scope">
+          <el-popover
+          placement="top"
+          width="160"
+          v-model="scope.row.visible">
+          <p>确定要删除此用户吗</p>
+          <div style="text-align: right; margin: 0">
+            <el-button size="mini" type="text" @click="scope.row.visible = false">取消</el-button>
+            <el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="deleteUser(scope.row)">确定</el-button>
+          </div>
+           <el-button type="text" size="small" slot="reference">删除</el-button>
+        </el-popover>
@@ -67,14 +78,14 @@
         <el-form-item label="用户角色" label-width="80px" prop="authorityId">
-          <el-select placeholder="请选择" v-model="userInfo.authorityId">
-            <el-option
-              :key="item.authorityId"
-              :label="item.authorityName"
-              :value="item.authorityId"
-              v-for="item in authOptions"
-            ></el-option>
-          </el-select>
+          <el-cascader
+            @change="changeAuthority(scope.row)"
+              v-model="userInfo.authorityId"
+              :options="authOptions"
+              :show-all-levels="false"
+              :props="{ checkStrictly: true,label:'authorityName',value:'authorityId',disabled:'disabled',emitPath:false}"
+              filterable>
+              </el-cascader>
       <div class="dialog-footer" slot="footer">
@@ -89,7 +100,7 @@
 // 获取列表内容封装在mixins内部  getTableData方法 初始化已封装完成
 const path = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API
-import { getUserList, setUserAuthority, register } from '@/api/user'
+import { getUserList, setUserAuthority, register, deleteUser } from '@/api/user'
 import { getAuthorityList } from '@/api/authority'
 import infoList from '@/components/mixins/infoList'
 import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
@@ -127,6 +138,36 @@ export default {
     ...mapGetters('user', ['token'])
   methods: {
+     setOptions(authData){
+      this.authOptions = []
+      this.setAuthorityOptions(authData,this.authOptions)
+    },
+    setAuthorityOptions(AuthorityData,optionsData){
+      AuthorityData&&>{
+        if(item.children.length){
+          const option = {
+            authorityId:item.authorityId,
+            authorityName:item.authorityName,
+            children:[]
+        }
+          this.setAuthorityOptions(item.children,option.children)
+          optionsData.push(option)
+        }else{
+          const option = {
+              authorityId:item.authorityId,
+              authorityName:item.authorityName,
+          }
+          optionsData.push(option)
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    async deleteUser(row){
+      const res = await deleteUser({id:row.ID})
+      if(res.code == 0){
+        this.getTableData()
+        row.visible = false
+      }
+    },
     async enterAddUserDialog() {
       this.$refs.userForm.validate(async valid => {
         if (valid) {
@@ -160,8 +201,9 @@ export default {
   async created() {
+    this.getTableData()
     const res = await getAuthorityList({ page: 1, pageSize: 999 })
-    this.authOptions =
+    this.setOptions(