Browse Source


pixel 4 years ago

+ 19 - 0

@@ -49,6 +49,25 @@ func DeleteAuthority(c *gin.Context) {
+// @Tags authority
+// @Summary 设置角色资源权限
+// @Security ApiKeyAuth
+// @accept application/json
+// @Produce application/json
+// @Param data body model.SysAuthority true "设置角色资源权限"
+// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"设置成功"}"
+// @Router /authority/updateAuthority [post]
+func UpdateAuthority(c *gin.Context) {
+	var auth model.SysAuthority
+	_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&auth)
+	err, authority := service.UpdateAuthority(auth)
+	if err != nil {
+		response.FailWithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("更新失败,%v", err), c)
+	} else {
+		response.OkWithData(resp.SysAuthorityResponse{authority}, c)
+	}
 // @Tags authority
 // @Summary 分页获取角色列表
 // @Security ApiKeyAuth

+ 0 - 1

@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ func GetBaseMenuTree(c *gin.Context) {
 		response.FailWithMessage(fmt.Sprintf("获取失败,%v", err), c)
 	} else {
 		response.OkWithData(resp.SysBaseMenusResponse{Menus: menus}, c)

+ 13 - 35

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  Target Server Version : 50644
  File Encoding         : 65001
- Date: 13/04/2020 09:48:03
+ Date: 15/04/2020 13:12:44
 SET NAMES utf8mb4;
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/createAuthority', 'POS
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/deleteAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/getAuthorityList', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/setDataAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
+INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/authority/updateAuthority', 'PUT', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/menu/getMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/menu/getMenuList', 'POST', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/menu/addBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
@@ -154,28 +155,6 @@ INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/customer/customer', 'DELETE', ''
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/customer/customer', 'GET', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/customer/customerList', 'GET', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', '888', '/autoCode/createTemp', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/base/login', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/base/register', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/createApi', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/getApiList', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/getApiById', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/deleteApi', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/updateApi', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/getAllApis', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/api/createApi', 'GET', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/createAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/deleteAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/getAuthorityList', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/authority/setDataAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getMenuList', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/addBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getBaseMenuTree', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/addMenuAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getMenuAuthority', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/deleteBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/updateBaseMenu', 'POST', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO `casbin_rule` VALUES ('p', 'asdasd', '/menu/getBaseMenuById', 'POST', '', '', '');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for ch_cities
@@ -3835,7 +3814,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `exa_file_chunks`  (
   `file_chunk_number` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_exa_file_chunks_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 5 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for exa_file_upload_and_downloads
@@ -3855,15 +3834,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `exa_file_upload_and_downloads`  (
   INDEX `idx_exa_file_upload_and_downloads_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
 ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 16 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
--- ----------------------------
--- Records of exa_file_upload_and_downloads
--- ----------------------------
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (7, '2019-10-26 22:46:32', '2019-10-26 22:46:32', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572101191logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (10, '2019-10-26 23:10:44', '2019-10-26 23:10:44', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572102643logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (12, '2019-10-26 23:14:08', '2019-10-26 23:14:08', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572102846logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (13, '2019-10-26 23:18:17', '2019-10-26 23:18:17', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1572103096logo.png');
-INSERT INTO `exa_file_upload_and_downloads` VALUES (15, '2019-12-15 14:31:00', '2019-12-15 14:31:00', NULL, 'logo.png', '', 'png', '1576391451logo.png');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for exa_files
 -- ----------------------------
@@ -3880,7 +3850,14 @@ CREATE TABLE `exa_files`  (
   `is_finish` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
   INDEX `idx_exa_files_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 4 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+-- ----------------------------
+-- Records of exa_files
+-- ----------------------------
+INSERT INTO `exa_files` VALUES (1, '2020-04-14 15:52:18', '2020-04-14 15:52:18', NULL, 'logo.png', '7022fdcb1562ff79cc36ce0644b86b8a', '', 1, 0);
+INSERT INTO `exa_files` VALUES (2, '2020-04-14 15:53:00', '2020-04-14 15:53:00', NULL, 'index.html', '139ac05423499b520cbf402ceb663b6f', '', 1, 0);
+INSERT INTO `exa_files` VALUES (3, '2020-04-14 16:07:43', '2020-04-14 16:07:43', NULL, 'favicon.ico', '7d34c388d92837200de70d3a90b49d3b', '', 1, 0);
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for jwt_blacklists
@@ -3953,7 +3930,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_apis`  (
   INDEX `idx_apis_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE,
   INDEX `idx_sys_apis_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
-) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 46 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 47 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Compact;
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Records of sys_apis
@@ -3999,6 +3976,7 @@ INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (42, '2020-02-25 15:36:48', '2020-02-25 15:37:16',
 INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (43, '2020-02-25 15:37:06', '2020-02-25 15:37:06', NULL, NULL, '/customer/customerList', '获取客户列表', 'customer', 'GET');
 INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (44, '2020-03-12 14:36:54', '2020-03-12 14:56:50', NULL, NULL, '/casbin/casbinTest/:pathParam', 'RESTFUL模式测试', 'casbin', 'GET');
 INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (45, '2020-03-29 23:01:28', '2020-03-29 23:01:28', NULL, NULL, '/autoCode/createTemp', '自动化代码', 'autoCode', 'POST');
+INSERT INTO `sys_apis` VALUES (46, '2020-04-15 12:46:58', '2020-04-15 12:46:58', NULL, NULL, '/authority/updateAuthority', '更新角色信息', 'authority', 'PUT');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for sys_authorities

+ 1 - 0

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ func InitAuthorityRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("createAuthority", v1.CreateAuthority)   //创建角色
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("deleteAuthority", v1.DeleteAuthority)   //删除角色
+		AuthorityRouter.PUT("updateAuthority", v1.UpdateAuthority)    //更新角色
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("getAuthorityList", v1.GetAuthorityList) //获取角色列表
 		AuthorityRouter.POST("setDataAuthority", v1.SetDataAuthority) //设置角色资源权限

+ 12 - 0

@@ -19,6 +19,18 @@ func CreateAuthority(auth model.SysAuthority) (err error, authority model.SysAut
 	return err, auth
+// @title    UpdateAuthority
+// @description   更改一个角色
+// @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)
+// @param     auth            model.SysAuthority
+// @return                    error
+// @return    authority       model.SysAuthority
+func UpdateAuthority(auth model.SysAuthority) (err error, authority model.SysAuthority) {
+	err = global.GVA_DB.Where("authority_id = ?", auth.AuthorityId).First(&model.SysAuthority{}).Updates(&auth).Error
+	return err, auth
 // @title    DeleteAuthority
 // @description   删除角色
 // @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func DeleteBaseMenu(id float64) (err error) {
 // @description   更新路由
 // @auth                     (2020/04/05  20:22)
 // @param     menu            model.SysBaseMenu
-// @return    err             error
+// @return    err             errorgetMenu
 func UpdateBaseMenu(menu model.SysBaseMenu) (err error) {
 	upDateMap := make(map[string]interface{})

+ 2 - 2

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import (
 // @return    menus           []model.SysMenu
 func GetMenuTree(authorityId string) (err error, menus []model.SysMenu) {
-	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? AND authority_menu.parent_id = ?"
+	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? AND authority_menu.parent_id = ? ORDER BY authority_menu.sort ASC"
 	err = global.GVA_DB.Raw(sql, authorityId, 0).Scan(&menus).Error
 	for i := 0; i < len(menus); i++ {
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func AddMenuAuthority(menus []model.SysBaseMenu, authorityId string) (err error)
 // @return    menus           []SysBaseMenu
 func GetMenuAuthority(authorityId string) (err error, menus []model.SysMenu) {
-	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ?"
+	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? ORDER BY authority_menu.sort ASC"
 	err = global.GVA_DB.Raw(sql, authorityId).Scan(&menus).Error
 	return err, menus