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pixel 4 năm trước cách đây
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2 tập tin đã thay đổi với 3 bổ sung86 xóa
  1. 1 84
  2. 2 2

+ 1 - 84

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  Target Server Version : 50644
  File Encoding         : 65001
- Date: 10/04/2020 13:48:22
+ Date: 13/04/2020 09:48:03
 SET NAMES utf8mb4;
@@ -4154,89 +4154,6 @@ INSERT INTO `sys_data_authority_id` VALUES ('888', '9528');
 INSERT INTO `sys_data_authority_id` VALUES ('9528', '8881');
 INSERT INTO `sys_data_authority_id` VALUES ('9528', '9528');
--- ----------------------------
--- Table structure for sys_menus
--- ----------------------------
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-  INDEX `idx_sys_menus_deleted_at`(`deleted_at`) USING BTREE
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--- ----------------------------
--- Records of sys_menus
--- ----------------------------
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (515, '2019-10-20 11:19:52', '2019-12-12 16:58:15', NULL, 0, 9528, 'form', 'form', 0, 'view/example/form/form.vue', '表单示例', 'document', 19, '21', '表单示例', '2');
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (520, '2020-02-24 19:48:37', '2020-03-27 20:05:38', NULL, 0, 9528, 'customer', 'customer', 0, 'view/example/customer/customer.vue', '客户列表(资源示例)', 's-custom', 19, '34', '客户列表(资源示例)', '7');
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (561, '2019-09-19 22:06:17', '2020-03-27 20:33:58', NULL, 0, 888, 'test', 'test', 0, 'view/test/index.vue', '测试菜单', 'info', 0, '2', '测试菜单', '2');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (562, '2019-09-19 22:06:38', '2019-12-12 16:51:31', NULL, 0, 888, 'admin', 'superAdmin', 0, 'view/superAdmin/index.vue', '超级管理员', 'user-solid', 0, '3', '超级管理员', '3');
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (564, '2019-09-19 22:13:18', '2019-12-12 16:57:20', NULL, 0, 888, 'menu', 'menu', 0, 'view/superAdmin/menu/menu.vue', '菜单管理', 's-order', 3, '5', '菜单管理', '2');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (565, '2019-09-19 22:13:36', '2019-12-12 16:57:30', NULL, 0, 888, 'api', 'api', 0, 'view/superAdmin/api/api.vue', 'api管理', 's-platform', 3, '6', 'api管理', '3');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (566, '2019-10-09 15:12:29', '2019-12-12 16:57:25', NULL, 0, 888, 'user', 'user', 0, 'view/superAdmin/user/user.vue', '用户管理', 'coordinate', 3, '17', '用户管理', '4');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (567, '2019-10-15 22:27:22', '2019-12-12 16:51:33', NULL, 0, 888, 'person', 'person', 1, 'view/person/person.vue', '个人信息', 'user-solid', 0, '18', '个人信息', '4');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (568, '2020-03-29 21:31:03', '2020-03-29 21:31:03', NULL, 0, 888, 'systemTools', 'systemTools', 0, 'view/systemTools/index.vue', '系统工具', 's-cooperation', 0, '38', '系统工具', '5');
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (570, '2020-03-29 21:36:26', '2020-03-29 21:36:26', NULL, 0, 888, 'formCreate', 'formCreate', 0, 'view/systemTools/formCreate/index.vue', '表单生成器', 'magic-stick', 38, '41', '表单生成器', '2');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (571, '2020-04-02 14:19:36', '2020-04-02 14:20:16', NULL, 0, 888, 'system', 'system', 0, 'view/systemTools/system/system.vue', '系统配置', 's-operation', 38, '42', '系统配置', '3');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (572, '2019-10-20 11:14:42', '2020-03-29 21:39:18', NULL, 0, 888, 'example', 'example', 0, 'view/example/index.vue', '示例文件', 's-management', 0, '19', '示例文件', '6');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (573, '2019-10-20 11:18:11', '2019-10-20 11:18:11', NULL, 0, 888, 'table', 'table', 0, 'view/example/table/table.vue', '表格示例', 's-order', 19, '20', '表格示例', '1');
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (575, '2019-10-20 11:22:19', '2019-12-12 16:58:20', NULL, 0, 888, 'rte', 'rte', 0, 'view/example/rte/rte.vue', '富文本编辑器', 'reading', 19, '22', '富文本编辑器', '3');
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-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (578, '2020-02-17 16:20:47', '2020-02-24 19:45:40', NULL, 0, 888, 'breakpoint', 'breakpoint', 0, 'view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue', '断点续传', 'upload', 19, '33', '断点续传', '6');
-INSERT INTO `sys_menus` VALUES (579, '2020-02-24 19:48:37', '2020-03-27 20:10:02', NULL, 0, 888, 'customer', 'customer', 0, 'view/example/customer/customer.vue', '客户列表(资源示例)', 's-custom', 19, '34', '客户列表(资源示例)', '7');
 -- ----------------------------
 -- Table structure for sys_users
 -- ----------------------------

+ 2 - 2

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import (
 // @return    err             error
 // @return    menus           []model.SysMenu
 func GetMenuTree(authorityId string) (err error, menus []model.SysMenu) {
-	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM sys_menus authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? AND authority_menu.parent_id = ?"
+	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ? AND authority_menu.parent_id = ?"
 	err = global.GVA_DB.Raw(sql, authorityId, 0).Scan(&menus).Error
 	for i := 0; i < len(menus); i++ {
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func AddMenuAuthority(menus []model.SysBaseMenu, authorityId string) (err error)
 // @return    err             error
 // @return    menus           []SysBaseMenu
 func GetMenuAuthority(authorityId string) (err error, menus []model.SysMenu) {
-	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM sys_menus authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ?"
+	sql := "SELECT authority_menu.created_at,authority_menu.updated_at,authority_menu.deleted_at,authority_menu.menu_level,authority_menu.parent_id,authority_menu.path,authority_menu.`name`,authority_menu.hidden,authority_menu.component,authority_menu.title,authority_menu.icon,authority_menu.sort,authority_menu.menu_id,authority_menu.authority_id FROM authority_menu WHERE authority_menu.authority_id = ?"
 	err = global.GVA_DB.Raw(sql, authorityId).Scan(&menus).Error
 	return err, menus