@@ -1,46 +1,67 @@
- key-long: 6
- img-width: 240
- img-height: 80
+# Gin-Vue-Admin Global Configuration
+# casbin configuration
- model-path: ./resource/rbac_model.conf
+ model-path: './resource/rbac_model.conf'
+# jwt configuration
- signing-key: qmPlus
- local: true
- avatar-path: uploads/avatar
- file-path: uploads/file
- prefix: '[GIN-VUE-ADMIN]'
- log-file: true
- stdout: DEBUG
- file: DEBUG
+ signing-key: 'qmPlus'
+# mysql connect configuration
username: root
- password: Aa@6447985
- path:
- db-name: qmPlus
- config: charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local
+ password: 'Aa@6447985'
+ path: ''
+ db-name: 'qmPlus'
+ config: 'charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local'
max-idle-conns: 10
max-open-conns: 10
log-mode: false
- access-key: 25j8dYBZ2wuiy0yhwShytjZDTX662b8xiFguwxzZ
- secret-key: pgdbqEsf7ooZh7W3xokP833h3dZ_VecFXPDeG5JY
- bucket: qm-plus-img
- img-path: http://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top
- addr:
- password: ""
- db: 0
+#sqlite 配置
- username: ""
- password: ""
path: db.db
- config: loc=Asia/Shanghai
log-mode: true
+ config: 'loc=Asia/Shanghai'
+# oss configuration
+# 切换本地与七牛云上传,分配头像和文件路径
+ local: true
+ avatar-path: uploads/avatar
+ file-path: uploads/file
+# 请自行七牛申请对应的 公钥 私钥 bucket 和 域名地址
+ access-key: '25j8dYBZ2wuiy0yhwShytjZDTX662b8xiFguwxzZ'
+ secret-key: 'pgdbqEsf7ooZh7W3xokP833h3dZ_VecFXPDeG5JY'
+ bucket: 'qm-plus-img'
+ img-path: 'http://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top'
+# redis configuration
+ addr: ''
+ password: ''
+ db: 0
+# system configuration
use-multipoint: false
- env: public
+ env: 'public' # Change to "develop" to skip authentication for development mode
addr: 8888
- db-type: mysql
+ db-type: "mysql" # support mysql/sqlite
+# captcha configuration
+ key-long: 6
+ img-width: 240
+ img-height: 80
+# logger configuration
+ prefix: '[GIN-VUE-ADMIN]'
+ log-file: true
+ stdout: 'DEBUG'
+ file: 'DEBUG'