@@ -134,6 +134,14 @@ We are excited that you are interested in contributing to gin-vue-admin. Before
- If the subnet is modified, the ipv4_address of each service needs to be modified, and the ip of the server on line 20 of [.docker-compose/nginx/conf.d/my.conf](.docker-compose/nginx/conf.d/my.conf) also needs to be modified
+> <font color=red>**Use docker-compose to deploy this project need attention**</font>
+- For mysql database, please use a local database installed on the server disk.
+ - Avoid using mysql in the docker container, there may be write problems, io is lower than the host machine, docker's persistence mechanism problem
+- [init.sql](.docker-compose/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql) is for docker-compose ==experience this project==, prohibit the use of [init.sql](.docker-compose/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql) to initialize project data, Database initialization[Please use this method](https://www.gin-vue-admin.com/docs/help#step1%EF%BC%9A%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%E5%BA%93%E5%88%9D%E5%A7%8B%E5%8C%96)
+ - Use [init.sql](.docker-compose/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql) to initialize all problems, please bear it yourself, and have nothing to do with this project
+- When deploying using docker-compose of this project,Please modify the [nginx configuration](.docker-compose/nginx/conf.d/my.conf), mysql configuration, networks configuration, redis configuration corresponding to [docker-compose.yaml](./docker-compose.yaml), and make changes as needed.
### 2.1 Web
@@ -162,6 +170,47 @@ go list (go mod tidy)
go build
+> Zap log library usage guide && configuration guide
+The configuration of the Zap log library selects zap under [config.yaml](./server/config.yaml)
+# zap logger configuration
+ level: 'debug'
+ format: 'console'
+ prefix: '[GIN-VUE-ADMIN]'
+ director: 'log'
+ link_name: 'latest_log'
+ show_line: true
+ encode_level: 'LowercaseColorLevelEncoder'
+ stacktrace_key: 'stacktrace'
+ log_in_console: true
+| Configuration Name | Type Of Configuration | Description |
+| ------------------ | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| level | string | For a detailed description of the level mode, please see the official [zap documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/go.uber.org/zap?tab=doc#pkg-constants) <br />info: info mode, stack information without errors, only output information<br />debug: debug mode, stack details with errors<br />warn:warn mode<br />error: error mode, stack details with error<br />dpanic: dpanic mode<br />panic: panic mode<br />fatal: fatal mode<br /> |
+| format | string | console: Output log in console format<br />json: json format output log |
+| prefix | string | Log prefix |
+| director | string | The folder to store the log can be modified, no need to create it manually |
+| link_name | string | [A soft connection file](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%BD%AF%E9%93%BE%E6%8E%A5) of link_name will be generated in the server directory, and the link is the latest log file of the director configuration item |
+| show_line | bool | Display the line number, the default is true, it is not recommended to modify |
+| encode_level | string | LowercaseLevelEncoder: lowercase<br /> LowercaseColorLevelEncoder: lowercase with color<br />CapitalLevelEncoder: uppercase<br />CapitalColorLevelEncoder: uppercase with color |
+| stacktrace_key | string | The name of the stack, that is, the key of josn when outputting the log in json format |
+| log_in_console | bool | Whether to output to the console, the default is true |
+- Development environment || Debug environment configuration recommendations
+ - `level:debug`
+ - `format:console`
+ - `encode_level:LowercaseColorLevelEncoder`或者`encode_leve:CapitalColorLevelEncoder`
+- Deployment environment configuration recommendations
+ - `level:error`
+ - `format:json`
+ - `encode_level: LowercaseLevelEncoder `或者 `encode_level:CapitalLevelEncoder`
+ - `log_in_console: false`
+- <font color=red>Suggestions are only suggestions, you can proceed according to your own needs, and suggestions are for reference only</font>
### 2.3 API docs auto-generation using swagger
#### 2.3.1 install swagger
@@ -176,7 +225,6 @@ go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
In mainland China, access to go.org/x is prohibited,we recommend [goproxy.io](https://goproxy.io/zh/)
If you are using Go version 1.13 and above (recommended)
# Enable Go Modules function
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
@@ -186,11 +234,8 @@ If you are using Go version 1.12 and below
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io
-# get swag
-go get -g -v github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
-# cd GOPATH/src/github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
-go install
+# Use the following command to download swag
+go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
#### 2.3.2 API docs generation